10 Top Sales Intelligence Tools To Skyrocket Your Sales in 2023

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Recognizing what works and what doesn’t is critical for sales success.

Utilizing a tool that can analyze your sales activity to identify a successful sales strategy and eliminate unproductive ones is crucial. It is where sales intelligence tools can be incredibly valuable.

However, due to the highly profitable nature of this market, there is intense competition, and distinguishing a quality sales intelligence tool can be challenging without testing multiple options.

For this reason, we have compiled a list of the top 10 sales intelligence solutions to enhance your sales performance this year.

This article will save you research time and provide all the necessary information about each tool, assisting you in determining which one is the most suitable for your sales and marketing teams.

What is a sales intelligence tool?

Image source: Unsplash

The primary goal of sales intelligence tools is to remove the guesswork from your sales efforts so you can make intelligent decisions based on accurate data.

These tools provide deeper insights into your target audience and analyze their behavior. You can evaluate statistical data about your sales activities and use promotional, pricing, and other sales tools to boost your conversions.

As a result, sales intelligence tools are exceptionally vital, as they directly influence one of the most critical aspects of any business – closing sales – which ultimately determines its profitability.

Criteria for selecting the best sales intelligence tools

Before delving into a review of the popular sales intelligence tools, it is crucial to mention specific criteria to comprehend our choices.

Below are the fundamental aspects that every sales intelligence tool must encompass:

  1. Accurate data: Irrespective of your business, the sales application you select must provide precise data and statistics regarding your sales leads and process. 
  2. User-friendly interface: While having advanced data and statistics can be helpful, if they are difficult to access, understand, and implement, the tool is worthless. Therefore, ease of use is a crucial feature of any exceptional sales intelligence application. 
  3. Integrations: If the tool cannot work in harmony with other solutions already in your workflow, it will hinder your sales process, underscoring the significance of integrations. 
  4. Flexible pricing: Though price should not be the sole deciding factor, it is a vital aspect you should pay attention to. Select a tool that fits within your budget and helps you scale without imposing a financial strain, as this could otherwise reduce your profit margins.

Considering these criteria, we have narrowed your options and chosen the ten best tools to help you improve your sales process.

10 best tools for sales intelligence

After outlining the criteria that guided our selection, let’s share the ten most effective solutions for improving your sales process.

Golden Leads

Golden Leads is a data intelligence and enrichment tool that helps you leverage LinkedIn as the most significant business social network to boost lead generation and improve sales without jeopardizing your account.

Features of the tool

One of the critical features of Golden Leads is that it provides accurate and up-to-date data on your potential leads compared to other solutions that use old and stale information. Let’s explain the three key components of our platform.

LinkedIn scraping

Golden Leads offers a profile-independent solution that enables you to scrape the entire LinkedIn Sales Navigator in real-time without using your profile.

Our platform utilizes virtual accounts for this purpose, ensuring you can extract data without concerns about violating LinkedIn’s ToS or risking a ban from the network.

Golden Leads helps you:

  • Extract data from LinkedIn Sales Navigator without limitations. Forget about the 2500 results per search cap and enjoy scraping on a larger scale. 
  • Get safe access to a vast database of over 700 million potential contacts, providing you with valuable details, including their first name, last name, company name, company URL, LinkedIn profile ID, and LinkedIn company ID.
  • Effortlessly and promptly receive the scraping results in CSV format directly to your email.
  • Supercharge your outreach efforts with 100% accurate open profile identification. It enables you to enhance your outreach campaigns and send free InMails faster to engage with potential contacts and maximize your networking opportunities. 
  • Discover all active users on LinkedIn and validate their recent engagement, including likes, comments, and posts within the last 30 days. It helps you boost your connection request acceptance rates by 3-4 times, accelerating the growth of your network.

Email outreach

Golden Leads offers an email enrichment feature to improve your email outreach efforts.

You can get validated emails from active users on LinkedIn, enabling you to start omnichannel outreach effectively.

By eliminating time-wasting leads, you can focus on engaging with prospects who are genuinely interested in your offerings and boost your results.

Golden Leads provides the tools to enhance your communication strategy and make meaningful connections with your target audience.

Gathering competitors’ leads

As a bonus, you can use Golden Leads to input URLs and get all leads from:

  1. LinkedIn company pages
  2. LinkedIn group pages
  3. LinkedIn event pages

You can quickly filter and target any of these leads, outsmarting your competitors, expanding your reach and maximizing your business opportunities.

As you can see, Golden Leads enables you to conduct hyper-personalized sales searches, create an extensive list of relevant leads, pinpoint people of interest, gather all crucial information and validate results to save time and effort.

All you need to do is fill out the form to start using our platform.

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Improves the collaboration between your marketing and sales teams
  • Boosts your revenue and maximizes the lifetime value of your customers
  • Increases upsell and cross-sell opportunities
  • Shortens your sales cycle and increases your chances of closing deals faster
  • Increases contract values and helps you retain more customers
  • Relies on LinkedIn Sales Navigator data, making the information reliable
  • Simple to use and cloud-based


  • It’s currently focused mainly on LinkedIn data

Pricing options

You can contact us anytime to learn more about our pricing structure.

We provide a flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model, eliminating the burden of fixed monthly fees and any long-term commitments.

Our approach allows you to adapt and adjust your usage, ensuring a cost-effective solution that suits your requirements.


Image source: GetApp

Zoominfo includes a comprehensive suite for marketing and sales, as well as operations and recruitment activities. It is a robust and complex tool that can propel your business forward if you know how to use its numerous capabilities.

Features of the tool

Zoominfo allows you to:

  • Use contact and company search to find and connect with crucial customer profiles
  • Employ conversation intelligence to chat, call, organize meetings, and send emails through a single dashboard
  • Create Salesflows and activate multi-channel prospecting campaigns using automation 
  • Create workflows to take automated actions suited to your ideal customer profiles

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Good feature set
  • Many integrations
  • Automation and workflows


  • Too complex for non-tech-savvy users
  • High learning curve
  • High pricing
  • Provides features you might not want to use
  • Contains some outdated information

Pricing options

Zoominfo is a premium tool, and pricing is available upon request. There’s no free version, but you can request access and get a free trial to see how it works.

If you want to use both marketing and sales tools, you’ll most likely need to pay for their Sales and Marketing suite separately, which can increase the overall cost. 

Customer reviews and ratings

Zoominfo has average to above-average scores:


Image source: SoftwareAdvice

Cognism is a comprehensive sales intelligence platform providing high-value contact information to boost sales efforts. With various tools, Cognism makes finding and connecting with potential clients easy while providing insights and analytics.

Cognism helps with marketing and sales and is a good option for RevOps and GTM leaders.

Features of the tool

  • Basic and advanced data about contacts and companies
  • Advanced filters to identify key accounts and get in touch
  • Data validation to ensure an up-to-date contact base
  • Diamond Data® you can use to find and phone-verify your leads
  • Integrations with CRM and sales engagement tools
  • Advanced contact profiles to get detailed information about each person

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Very streamlined prospecting 
  • Easy to identify and contact key persons of interest
  • Various use cases, increased flexibility


  • Data is not always accurate
  • Can be costly

Pricing options

You must contact the company directly to get more information about Cognism pricing structure or request a demo. This information is not publicly available. 

Customer reviews and ratings

Cognism sales intelligence software has a positive score.


Image source: G2

Datanyze is a Chrome extension-based LinkedIn sales intelligence tool allowing you to find and collect user information at scale.

Features of the tool

  • Google Chrome extension that helps you gather contact and company data no matter where you’re prospecting
  • Data collection and enrichment in real-time
  • Icebreakers to help you start meaningful conversations and boost sales
  • Advanced lead segmentation 
  • Contact list exporting

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Straightforward to use
  • Easily find and export data
  • Uses LinkedIn information
  • Accurate and updated information


  • Can put your profile at risk
  • Extension-based

Pricing options

Datanyze sales intelligence software has a 90-day free trial and allows you to use up to 10 credits per month for free. It also has two paid plans:

  • Nyze Pro 1: $29/mo – 960 credits per year
  • Nyze Pro 2: $55/mo – 1920 credits per year

One credit equals one contact information reveal.

Customer reviews and ratings

Datanyze has decent customer ratings:


Image source: Capterra

The 6sense revenue AI sales intelligence platform can enhance your sales team’s ability to close deals by offering sales intelligence data about accounts your competitors may not have access to. This competitive advantage can ultimately lead to better conversion rates. 

The platform streamlines and optimizes your sales efforts by utilizing advanced AI technology, preventing missed opportunities.

Features of the tool

  • Company and people search with B2B account and contact data
  • Account intelligence with account insights in CRM and SEP
  • Prioritization dashboard to assess which accounts to engage and when is the best time for interaction
  • Chrome extension to get contact details from LinkedIn or B2B websites
  • Predictive analytics to understand which individuals are ready to buy 
  • Buyer intent data to understand what people search for across B2B online sources
  • Prospecting workflows to thoroughly research, prospect, and engage with accounts using various channels

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Features powered by AI, machine learning, and big data
  • Helps you zero in on key prospects at the right time
  • Integrates with other popular sales intelligence platforms


  • Best suited for larger companies
  • Overwhelming interface
  • Can be expensive for small teams with limited budget

Pricing options

While 6sense pricing is only available upon request, it’s important to note that this sales intelligence solution is a premium tool designed for larger teams with substantial budgets.

Customer reviews and ratings

6sense sales intelligence software is generally accepted well amongst customers:


Image source: SoftwareSuggest

DiscoverOrg operates as a standalone platform under the umbrella of the ZoomInfo sales intelligence tool, offering some unique features. 

It specializes in providing sales intelligence that helps you identify and engage with highly qualified accounts, increasing the likelihood of purchasing your products or services.

Features of the tool

  • Real-time buying signals to find qualified prospects
  • Advanced customer profiles to define your ICP
  • Advanced filtering options to quickly go through leads 
  • Collecting and displaying mobile phones, emails, and social media handles, allowing you to contact prospects anywhere 
  • Real-time analytics to learn more about each person
  • Tracking behavioral activity to understand what content your target accounts consume across the web
  • Integration with many popular services, including HubSpot, Salesforce, Salesloft, Marketo, and more

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Good search and filtering options
  • Collects contact information from multiple sources
  • A good amount of integrations to boost your workflow


  • Account information is not always up to date
  • Requires manual work to ensure information accuracy
  • No transparent pricing

Pricing options

Just like with ZoomInfo, pricing is available only upon request.

Customer reviews and ratings

Before being acquired by ZoomInfo, DiscoverOrg operated independently. When evaluating platform reviews, it’s important to remember that some may be from users who used the product before the acquisition:


Image source: SoftwareAdvice

DemandBase One is an ABM (account-based marketing) platform that supports sales decision-making. By leveraging this platform, sales professionals can access data that help them identify high-quality accounts most likely to purchase, spurring sales growth.

Features of the tool

  • Lead-to-account mapping ensures you’re not wasting valuable resources pursuing leads that aren’t relevant or likely to convert
  • Selectors to create and engage with highly targeted segments, ensuring your marketing efforts are reaching the right audience
  • Predictive models to effectively identify and focus on the accounts that are most likely to make a purchase
  • Journey stage mapping to tailor your communication and outreach to prospects based on the stage of their journey
  • Engagement heat maps to easily identify which prospects are showing the most interest in your products or services
  • Automated data cleansing and enrichment to maintain a clean and reliable database without the need for manual intervention

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Advanced stats and insights about each account
  • In-depth analysis for data-driven decisions
  • Cross-channel advertising 


  • Complex sales intelligence software
  • High pricing
  • Takes a while to set up and master all of the features

Pricing options

To get pricing information, you must submit a request. Unfortunately, there is no free plan available.

Customer reviews and ratings

Overall, DemandBase One leaves a pretty good impression on its users:


Image source: G2

Clearbit sales intelligence software is a powerful tool that can help you generate demand and drive sales growth without increasing your spending. With Clearbit, you can easily control your entire campaign from a single platform, facilitating your operations.

Features of the tool

  • Ad targeting to ensure the right B2B audience sees your ads on Facebook and Google
  • Conversion tracking to measure campaign performance and understand what’s working or where to improve
  • Form optimization to streamline and facilitate the form-filling process for your customers
  • Intent-based outreach to target website visitors with personalized outreach and turn them into sales pipeline through automated workflows
  • Advanced personalization to create highly targeted content and messaging which resonates with your customers on a deeper level
  • Data enrichment to gain a deeper understanding of your target audience, their needs, and their behavior
  • Lead scoring and routing to automatically score your leads based on their behavior and attributes, prioritize them and focus on the most valuable ones 

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Creating ideal customer profiles
  • Good website analytics
  • Integrations with popular sales tools


  • Clunky interface and performance
  • Premium plans get pricey as they scale with database size

Pricing options

Clearbit sales intelligence tool offers a free plan, which is a great feature. However, you must request a quote for more advanced options to determine the price. 

It’s worth noting that some users have reported that Clearbit charges based on database size rather than usage, which could result in significant costs.

Customer reviews and ratings

Overall, Clearbit leaves a solid impression on customers:


Image source: CompareCamp

Lusha is a B2B sales intelligence solution with a database of more than 100 million profiles that helps you find and get in touch with new leads and close deals. 

Features of the tool

  • Provides 100 million profiles in its database, 60 million emails, 15 million companies, and 50 million phone numbers of decision-makers 
  • Their database is fully compliant and 81% accurate, as they collect info from various sources, both public and their own
  • Search tools and filters that let you review all contacts and identify those likely to buy 
  • Lists and filters for further use in the sales cycle 
  • Customer analytics and insights to uncover intent before you reach out to prospects 
  • Extension that lets you search people through LinkedIn

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Robust database
  • Easy-to-use search filtering
  • Good analytics help you identify valuable prospects


  • The LinkedIn tool is extension-based
  • Only up to 81% accurate database
  • Users complain about hidden search quotas

Pricing options

Lusha sales intelligence software has four plans:

  • Free plan provides five credits per month and one user seat
  • Pro plan starts at $29 per user per month and includes 480 credits per month, lists, exports, and team management
  • Premium plan starts at $51 per user per month and includes 960 credits per month, bulk sales prospecting, LinkedIn extension, and usage analytics

Customer reviews and ratings

Here’s how Lusha stands among customers:


Image source: G2

Hunter is one of the popular email finders that lets you quickly find and verify emails by entering domain names or visiting company websites.

Features of the tool

  • Domain search to find the email addresses of people working in a specific company, make targeted outreach and connect with potential customers or partners more efficiently. 
  • Email finder to find the email addresses of potential business partners, customers, or other stakeholders, saving time and effort you would spend on manual search
  • Email verifier to ensure the emails you send reach your intended recipient
  • Campaigns to efficiently reach out to potential customers and increase sales
  • Integrations to streamline your workflow and save time, improving productivity and efficiency
  • API to seamlessly incorporate this sales intelligence tool into your existing workflow

Pros and cons of the tool


  • Easy to use
  • Large database
  • Plenty of integrations


  • Information is often outdated
  • Doesn’t do much else besides finding emails

Pricing options

Hunter has a quite generous pricing structure:

  • Free: you can perform up to 25 monthly searches and email verifications
  • Starter: 500 searches and 1000 verifications for 49€/month
  • Growth: 5000 searches and 10 000 verifications for 149€/month
  • Business: 50 000 searches and 100 000 verifications for 499€/month

Customer reviews and ratings

Hunter email scraping capabilities and affordable prices have gained it a good reputation, as reflected in its positive user reviews:

Sales intelligence tools: Comparison table

We created a comparison table to help you decide faster. Let’s share some critical information.

We created a comparison table to help you decide faster. Let's share some critical information. Key features Data sources Pricing model
Golden Leads Access to over 700 million records A cloud-based and profile-independent tool Data scraping, cleaning, enriching and validation, Hyper-personalized searches LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Proprietary database Pay-as-you-go model, Costs per result, member or email, cost-efficient and affordable
Zoominfo Database of over 50 million contacts, Advanced search filters, Intent data Proprietary database, user submissions Subscription-based, overpriced
Cognism Account-based marketing, Prospecting automation, CRM integration Proprietary database, user submissions Subscription-based, overpriced
Datanyze Technographic data, Company firmographic data, Contact information Proprietary database, user submissions Subscription-based, overpriced
6sense Predictive analytics, Account prioritization, Intent data Proprietary database, web tracking, intent data providers Custom pricing, overpriced
DiscoverOrg Account-based marketing, Buyer intent signals, Direct dial and email data Proprietary database, user submissions Custom pricing, overpriced
DemandBase Account-based marketing, Website personalization, Real-time intent data Proprietary database, web tracking, intent data providers Custom pricing, overpriced
Clearbit Company and contact data enrichment, Lead scoring, Website personalization Publicly available information, user submissions Subscription-based
Lusha Contact information verification, Lead generation, Email and phone number search Publicly available information, user submissions Subscription-based
Hunter Domain and email search, Email verification, Chrome extension Publicly available information, user submissions Subscription-based


Sales intelligence tools are the digital brains of your sales operations that help you make decisions based on analytics and data instead of relying solely on intuition and luck. 

That’s why investing in a good sales productivity tool can come a long way, helping your teams close more deals and increase company profits.

If you are searching for the best sales intelligence tools that utilize LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Golden Leads should be your first choice.

From data scraping and cleaning to enrichment and validation, Golden Leads ensures that your sales team has access to accurate, up-to-date information on potential leads. 

With hyper-personalization capabilities, Golden Leads helps you tailor your outreach efforts to maximize your chances of success. 

Say goodbye to the headache of outdated and incomplete data, and say hello to a more efficient, effective sales process with Golden Leads.Fill out our form for more information.


What is a sales intelligence tool?

Sales intelligence tools give sales teams insights into prospects, their behavior, and sales triggers, allowing them to make better decisions and close more deals.

What’s the best sales intelligence tool for B2B lead generation?

The answer will depend on your business needs, but if you want to try a reliable LinkedIn scraping app that won’t put your profile at risk while getting accurate data, Golden Leads is your best bet.

What are prospecting tools?

Prospecting tools help the sales processes by letting agents identify valuable accounts and save time by automating repetitive tasks they would otherwise have to do manually, which usually include initial emailing, setting up calls, and more.

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Kristel Kongas

Kristel Kongas is a lead generation and fintech growth strategist, serving as the Chief Marketing Officer for Vendisys, Scrubby, Golden Leads, Inboxy, and other Vendisys entities. She is also the Founder and CEO of The New Cup Agency, a boutique marketing firm, and an active member of the Estonian Business Angels. Alongside her professional roles, Kristel is a dedicated life and fitness coach, blending her business acumen with a commitment to personal well-being.