Reach more prospects and maximize outreach with Open InMail Status

Discover LinkedIn users eager to connect. With Golden Leads, target receptive profiles that welcome free InMails, giving you a strategic edge in your outreach efforts.

Get closer to your next big conversation

Ever heard of LinkedIn profiles welcoming direct messages without connection requests? That’s open InMail for you. Get direct access to potential leads without the need for any connection request or spending InMail credits. We bring you that power straight to your fingertips.

Scale conversations and open up more opportunities

LinkedIn’s premium credits can be precious. But why spend them when you can access a vast pool of potential leads for free? With our enrichment tool: 

  • Discover profiles open to direct messages
  • Save on costs and resources
  • Enhance your outreach strategy with precision.

Maximize outreach with 100% accuracy

Reach LinkedIn users with open profiles effortlessly. With Golden Leads, send free InMails and enjoy unmatched precision in identifying these key contacts. While other tools miss out and often mislead, we guarantee flawless accuracy backed by millions of data checks.

Seamlessly identify open InMail status in 3 steps

Provide Your LinkedIn Contact Data

Whether it’s a extracted list of LinkedIn contacts or from another database, just give us your contacts’ LinkedIn profile IDs. We ensure your data remains confidential and utilize it solely to pinpoint those valuable open InMail profiles.

Let us do our magic

We thoroughly analyze and filter the profiles, highlighting those open to InMail for you.

Engage Without Barriers

Initiate genuine conversations that can lead to real-time conversions, all without the need for connection requests or spending InMail credits.

We are completely flexible to your needs

High volume & unlimited extraction

Experience Unlimited Data Extraction with GoldenLeads, as long as your searches queries are under 2,500 results.

Zero risk to your account

Never worry about getting your account banned or campaign delayed again. Unlike other companies, we use Linkedin avatars so your profile is never at risk.

No monthly commitments

No more stress about getting locked into an annual plan with no way of opting out. With Golden Leads, we only win if you win. We offer flexible pricing to suit your needs.

Start getting direct access to leads today with Open InMail

Bypass the barriers of connection requests and tap into a goldmine of eager prospects. With Open InMail, connect directly and converse with leads who are genuinely interested today.