The Most Frequently Asked Questions from Golden Leads

Golden Leads is a LinkedIn sales navigator data extraction tool that helps companies pull leads as per their requirements.
You can extract as many leads as you want without worrying about your accounts getting restricted.
You will get the following details once the extraction is completed.
  • Profile Url
  • Unique Profile ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Title
  • Company Name
  • Company Description
  • Tenure at Company
  • Company LinkedIn URL
  • Company Industry
  • Company Website
  • Company Location
  • Company Employee count
  • Company Head count range
  • Company HQ Location.
Once the order has been submitted from your end, the scraping will be completed in under 1 hour.
You can get as many leads as you want to be extracted in a day. But you can extract a maximum of 2500 leads using one search link. Want to do have more? Reach out to us at [email protected]
Yes, feel free to reach out for support and they can provide access to the API based on your eligibility.
Yes, you can do that but that facility is not implemented with this App. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to extract followers of a company.
You can purchase extra credits once you exceed your monthly quota.
Yes, the credits will be rolled over every month as long as the subscription is active.
Free credits are awarded for new users for Data Extraction. If you would like to have data enriched with emails, you can do it inside the application.
In this video, you can see how to convert your saved searches into generalized URLs. By following a few simple steps, you can easily create a URL that can be used for scraping. See here: SEE VIDEO